Lucky Red

OK I say "Lucky Red" for two reasons - one, because throughout antiquity, the colour red has symbolized luck, among many other things of course. It is considered the colour of happiness and prosperity in China - brides wear it on their wedding day (no I'm not getting married in this picture). It is also a symbol of protection by higher powers - Germanic warriors would paint their weapons and their bodies red with the blood of slain animals, red gems warded off the "evil eye", Neolithic peoples placed red ochre over their deceased. . .
So the second reason I say this is because I need some of red's better qualities imparted on me! It's been one of those weeks where the world seems to be humourously conspiring against me, only when you're in the thick of it, it ain't so humourous (I only speak English good when I'm in front of a class;)). Internet's finally up and running again, and almost as soon as it came back, my laptop wheezed and coughed and decided to stop working. Ever. Well there's still hope. Miraculously I backed up all these files mere hours before this tragedy. Only to have the DVD with the files curiously stop working. And it's been a trickle of other things, suffice to say my mood is distressed right now.
Of course, it could be worse. Far worse. The good news? I still have a (somewhat archaic) computer from the school, and I have not seen a cockroach (in my place) for over a week.
Well, they say when everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. So I guess this means it's SUPPOSED to be hard. Man, and I thought moving to China would be a walk in the park. Boy was I off on that one!! :)
I hope you are all happy and healthy - the most important things in life! Along with friends and family of course. Below, my "China family" - some very special friends indeed!

Strolling through the curiously postmodern city of Dongguan on Teacher's Day (postmodern mostly in regards to the architecture and sculpture as you can see above). Jen and I with our contact teacher, also called Jennifer, and known better as our saving grace here! She is sweet and intelligent and will do anything to help you. We couldn't have lucked out more with someone like Jennifer to take care of us. So maybe my jacket is working after all. . .
hey kiddo! here's that link i was telling you about. enjoy!
and next week will be better (we should get korean food after our thursday horrors, er, classes).
take care :D
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