Tiger-Leaping Gorge

The Tiger-Leaping Gorge dam is actually one of about 12 other dams being built to complement the massive Three Gorges Dam completed about a year ago 15oo km downstream. Construction could begin as early as 2008 to dam up the largest reservoir on the Yangtze River, stretching back for about 125 miles. All in all, about 1.3 million people are being displaced by these projects as China seeks to generate more and more energy for its swiftly developing nation.
It seems the concern for our fragile environment and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples is continuously at odds with the Chinese government's desire to sustain its breakneck economic growth. But these days the Chinese government seems increasingly to be caught in a struggle between creating a modern and economically powerful nation and upholding their pledges to build a harmonious and green society. And the construction of dams - China now has over 85 000 - are certainly one of the more potent examples of such an ideological conflict. On one hand they irreparably alter natural ecosystems, swallow fertile land and force countless numbers of people to relocate to, more often than not, less favourable conditions. On the other hand, in wake of the country's mushrooming economy and serious pollution problems, dams are a much cleaner and more renewable source of energy than China's predominant form of power, which is coal. The Chinese Government holds that dams can bring industry and therefore employment to remote areas of the country and provide much-needed electricity for millions of people.
But it's not so much about whether or not to build dams but rather who gets a say in what happens - of where to build the dam, of how to mitigate the effects and ultimately whether or not the bad outweighs the good for all concerned. So far the two groups with the most clout in this situation are the Yunnan Provincial Government and the energy company looking to dam up Tiger-Leaping Gorge, the head of which is the son of the former Chinese prime minister who originally pushed the controversial Three Gorges Dam project into action. And the fact that China is a country where people are still jailed for speaking against the Communist government lends a hopeless air to the situation. Yet vocal public objection has certainly taken place, both within China and overseas. In light of claims that the Yunnan Provincial Government is foregoing certain procedures to move rapidly ahead with this project, people are calling for a more open and transparent process so that the voices of those most affected can be heard and addressed. Activists, NGOs and scholars from prominent Chinese universities have petitioned the government to halt construction on the dam and have also brought this issue to the attention of international organizations including the UN. As well, around 10 000 people from the gorge area have signed a petition asking the government to hold off on the project until more information is available. If the Tiger-Leaping Gorge appears to be another sad case of greed and short-sightedness winning out over natural and cultural preservation, then perhaps a closer look will reveal it as an example of social change that is gradually taking place in an increasingly global China. It remains to be seen whether this slow tide of social change can compete with the frenzied storm of economic development and save areas of such stunning natural and cultural integrity as Tiger-Leaping Gorge.